Сегодня бренд MaxMara известен по всему миру. В 2011 году эта компания отмечает свое 60-летие. В 1951 году дипломированный юрист А. Марамотти принял решение посвятить себя высокой моде. Эта страсть передалась ему от прабабушки.
Желание Марамотти заключалось в том, чтобы создавать женскую одежду высокого качества. Первая коллекция состояла из пальто из верблюжьей шерсти и красного костюма. Именно эти вещи в дальнейшем станут идеалами будущего производства, а пальто от Max Mara станет визитной карточкой бренда и предметом желаний всех модниц и тех, кто ценит стиль и качество.
Today MaxMara is known all over the world. In 2011 this brand celebrates 60th anniversary. In 1951 a lawyer A.Maramotti decided to dedicate his life to fashion. This passion he has had from his great-grandmother.
Maramotti's wish were in the creation of women's clothes of high quality. The first collection comsisted from the camel's wool coat and red suit. These two items will be sign. And Max Mara coatwill be the brand's symbol and desire object of all fashionistas and those who cares about style and quality.
Today MaxMara is known all over the world. In 2011 this brand celebrates 60th anniversary. In 1951 a lawyer A.Maramotti decided to dedicate his life to fashion. This passion he has had from his great-grandmother.
Maramotti's wish were in the creation of women's clothes of high quality. The first collection comsisted from the camel's wool coat and red suit. These two items will be sign. And Max Mara coatwill be the brand's symbol and desire object of all fashionistas and those who cares about style and quality.
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Работа Уильяма Уэгмана, посвященная 50летию бренда |