It seems that flowers in the hair is a trend that doesn't plan to go away. I thought that it would be enough for it the whole spring and nope...here is a summer and what can we see? Flwer-power is still in! These flower crowns, flower headbands are thin or thick, with big or small flowers, different colors. Choose whatever you want! I also want admit that I don't have this hair accessory. What about you, girls? Do you have this item?


All in all for me there is one person who looks sooo orgnic with all these flower things. And it's Lana Del Rey. I am sure that there will be those who are agree with me. Remember her video "Born to Die"? That time I noticed that huge floral crown and I liked it. By the way it wasn't spring or summer 2013. It was winter 2011. So can you actually see how long ago this thing appeared. It was so amazing on her! Let's rememeber!

For some reasons Lana is the girl who looks the most incredible among all with these flower stuff.
What do you think about these Lana's flowers?

I don't have an accessory of the likes, but I must admit they are very pretty and feminine, perfect for spring/summer!
Lana's rules!
ОтветитьУдалитьloved your post!
i'm so into flower crowns!
nice pics!
А мне больше всего по душе образ с мини-ромашками! По-моему, СУПЕР мило...
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she's amazing!
amazing inspirations :)
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Great post, love the flower crown trend!
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Have a nice day dear!
Great great blog.Predlagayu follow each other. If you agree to let me know in a comment on my blog! Follow me and I'll follow you right away.
i looove flowers in geenral, so if i just put them in my head, i think they look sooo pretty and funny. and girl, i just discovered your blog and i like it so i'm following you on facebook, bloglovin and also google friend connect. take a look on my blog. http://diannetho.blogspot.com.es
ОтветитьУдалитьМне очень нравятся такие женственные, а-ля "Сон в лентюю ночь" короны из цветов! я все оч хотела сама из живых цветов такой венок сделать, но руки как-то не дошли...всегда так:)
I really love the flower crown on Keira, it's delicate, tiny and match perfectly her hair style!
ОтветитьУдалитьAlso the Abbey Lee is amazing!
Love, Angelica
I must admit, I like the flowers-in-the-hair trend; Not the oversized flowers, the smaller, dainty ones.
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