It's 18th of October today and it means that it's my 23 birthday and I can't believe in this numbers! I know I am young and I know I will be always young because age isn't numbers it's your thoughts, way of life, dreams, how you present yourself to the world and my mother tought all of this. But I still can't understand how fast the years are passed! It makes me think that I should hurry to live and love, not to waste my time, to do what I really like and what can make me a better person and try to achieve all my dreams!

I also want to thank every person who visit and comment my blog. And OF COURSE HUUUUGE thanks for my readers! I love you so much. I know it sounds so ordinary BUT if there were no you why should I have this blog? Every day I find here so many interesting and inspiring people. I want to think that for someone I also such type of person. If I make the day at least for one person in this world - I am so happy! From the bottom of my heart - THANK YOU!!!
Happy Birthday dear <3<3<3
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Lots of kisses, Elena
Beautifully said!!! Have a wonderful birthday filled with happiness, love, and most of all health!!
Happy Birthday :)
Muy, pero muy feliz compleaños! Y que sea el mejor año de todos!
ОтветитьУдалитьMil disculpas por haber estado un poco ausente...trabajo, trabajo, trabajo...ugh!
Me encantaría saber qué opinas acerca de mi nuevo post...
¡Un gran abrazo!
happy birthday sweetie!
ОтветитьУдалитьI wish u the best :-)
xxx Ros.e.
lovely blog and your photos are awesome :D would you like to follow each other?
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