I have always had problems with painting. So of course there have never been any conversation about my future as an illustrator. As a result I have always been obsessed with talented illustrators. I think that people who see something beautifull in their heads and can share with others their ideas and visions with the help of canvas and paints are genius! All in all nowadays there are a lot of gifted people but we always try to find someone whose technique and way of drawing, style and vision reflect your own inner world. That's exactly the way how we can find our favourite painter or illustrator. Speaking about me my favourite illustrator since now is Jessica Durrant. Her works I can describe with one word - "stylish"!!! I had an amazing opportunity to chat with her.

1.Tell me please about yourself.
2.Have you always been into art?

3.Have your family always support you?
4.Imagine that you wouldn't connect your life with illustrations. What would you do and where you would work?

5.Who inspires you? Whose works make you work more and find interesting ideas?
6.Where people can find your works?

7.How can you describe your work? Is it only talent, natural abilities and your vision or it's a hardworking job with a numerous levels of teaching?
I love what I do. But art is work. I am constantly trying to push myself and become a better artist. I'm so inspired by what other people have done and still do with their art. It always makes me want to be the best I can be. If you're willing to work at it, you can surprise yourself with what you can achieve.

9.How can you describe your style?
Most of my fashion work is very feminine, a bit edgy, and driven by distinct color and line work. All of my work is about vibrancy, saturated colors and the pure spontaneity of creation.
Most of my fashion work is very feminine, a bit edgy, and driven by distinct color and line work. All of my work is about vibrancy, saturated colors and the pure spontaneity of creation.
10.How do you think what's unusual in your works and why they're special?

11.In what projects would like to try yourself?
12.What can you tell for those who want to start illustration and to find themselves there?
Do research about where you want to go. The possibilities are amazing if you stop and think about it, and realize that there are so many ways to pursue your art career. Don't limit yourself. I read this quote recently-Dreams don't work unless you do. So be ready to work, and push yourself as hard as you can. You have to love what you do, and will succeed if you put 100% into your dreams.

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ОтветитьУдалитьVery interesting interview, I love the work !
ОтветитьУдалитьXoxo, Minnie
Thank you very much!!)
Love your blog and your style. You've got to try to post your look on Lookly: http://www.huliganjetta.com/lookly.html
ОтветитьУдалитьLove that last quote x Sushi