Who else didn't notice that I have a passion for illustration? For sure I can't draw (unfortunately) but I like to find people who can and have conversations with them. Yes! It means that I have one more interview with an illustrator. For those who haven't read my previous several interviews with another fashion illustrators you can do it HERE and HERE.
And now enjoy reading the new one with an amazing guy Nabil Nezzar. I must say that there were so many problems when I tried to choose illustrators to post here. Why? Because I like everything! Read, watch and let me know what is your favorite!
1. How did you start fashion illustration?
It came up naturally. I have been drawing since I can’t remember and have always been exploring new subjects and technics. Already when I was six years old, I found a big interest in drawing women, and my mum was my first model. When I first watched the short movie ‘Cashback’, I was fascinated by the combination of a nude model and clothing on their photographs, and it has been pretty much since then that I have started to illustrate women and clothes.
2. Is it hard for a man to do the job that most of the people think is more girly?
Absolutely not! I believe that this is a man as well as a women kind of job. What is more important is the sensibility and personality and effort you put on each of your work. As a man I try to translate my sensibility and my vision of women through my illustration. And using traditional media (especially gouache and color pencils) is really helping me out for that as it really follows my feeling when applying the brush/pencil on the paper.
3. What inspires you to make illustrations?
A lot of things. Besides following all the fashion news (Vogues, Fashion weeks, Blogs, etc.) I read a lot of short stories related to different subjects, from fiction to science. I love to read what the fashion designers think about fashion and beauty, my favourite is Alber Elbaz.
4. Where did your works appear at first? How have you been noticed?
It was in 2013 when I first decided to putty work online, I didn’t really know what to do so I have uploaded my work on Behance, and a week later I have started to receive emails from many bloggers from all over the globe. I then created a personal website. A month later I have my first feature on a print magazine and my first client in China. I became a full time illustrator. It all went very fast. My work has been seen in Hong-Kong at the infamous Beauty Avenue store, at Harrods for Fabergé, featured in Stylist Magazine in London, Estetica Magazine in Barcelona, Rouge Magazine in Shangai, etc. It goes from the advertising campaign, to editorial fashion illustrations, window installations, etc...
5. Nowadays many people start fashion illustration. How to find "your way" in it and don't copy others and stay original?
I think I do have a personal approach when doing my illustrations, and that is what people notice and appreciate. I do take a look at other illustrator works but I don’t really compare with my own work.
6. What is your goal in fashion illustration?
I think I would love to work closely with the creators, and be a more important part of a project/event.
7. With whom are you dreaming to work?
Too many but if I would do a creation for Lanvin that would be the highlight of my career.
8. Have you ever faced with negative reaction on what you do? And how did you work with it?
Yes I do, although I always start a conversation/debate to clearly understand their thoughts. I found it constructive too, but I believe that I can’t please everyone and as long as I please myself first, that is the most important.
9. The most strange and unusual compliment you get about your works?
Someone told me that my work makes him feels alive. It was a very unusual comment but I did really appreciate.
10. What people from your industry inspire? Who is an example for you?
I love Chanel (Coco Chanel), I love her thoughts and creativity. And all the creative people that have changed our state of mind and contributed to a more open-minded world.
11. Have you ever thought about collaboration with other fashion illustrators?
Not yet, but I am starting to collaborate with fashion bloggers.
12. If you could draw ONLY 1 famous person (no matter is he lives now or a person from the 19th century for example) who is it?
Definitely Coco Chanel.
13. Does fashion bloggers ask you to draw them in their favorite looks and do you agree to do it?
Not to draw them but more to draw something related to one of their articles. I don’t do this often because I am very busy working for my clients and my personal projects.

It came up naturally. I have been drawing since I can’t remember and have always been exploring new subjects and technics. Already when I was six years old, I found a big interest in drawing women, and my mum was my first model. When I first watched the short movie ‘Cashback’, I was fascinated by the combination of a nude model and clothing on their photographs, and it has been pretty much since then that I have started to illustrate women and clothes.
2. Is it hard for a man to do the job that most of the people think is more girly?
Absolutely not! I believe that this is a man as well as a women kind of job. What is more important is the sensibility and personality and effort you put on each of your work. As a man I try to translate my sensibility and my vision of women through my illustration. And using traditional media (especially gouache and color pencils) is really helping me out for that as it really follows my feeling when applying the brush/pencil on the paper.

3. What inspires you to make illustrations?
A lot of things. Besides following all the fashion news (Vogues, Fashion weeks, Blogs, etc.) I read a lot of short stories related to different subjects, from fiction to science. I love to read what the fashion designers think about fashion and beauty, my favourite is Alber Elbaz.
4. Where did your works appear at first? How have you been noticed?
It was in 2013 when I first decided to putty work online, I didn’t really know what to do so I have uploaded my work on Behance, and a week later I have started to receive emails from many bloggers from all over the globe. I then created a personal website. A month later I have my first feature on a print magazine and my first client in China. I became a full time illustrator. It all went very fast. My work has been seen in Hong-Kong at the infamous Beauty Avenue store, at Harrods for Fabergé, featured in Stylist Magazine in London, Estetica Magazine in Barcelona, Rouge Magazine in Shangai, etc. It goes from the advertising campaign, to editorial fashion illustrations, window installations, etc...

I think I do have a personal approach when doing my illustrations, and that is what people notice and appreciate. I do take a look at other illustrator works but I don’t really compare with my own work.
6. What is your goal in fashion illustration?
I think I would love to work closely with the creators, and be a more important part of a project/event.
7. With whom are you dreaming to work?
Too many but if I would do a creation for Lanvin that would be the highlight of my career.

Yes I do, although I always start a conversation/debate to clearly understand their thoughts. I found it constructive too, but I believe that I can’t please everyone and as long as I please myself first, that is the most important.
9. The most strange and unusual compliment you get about your works?
Someone told me that my work makes him feels alive. It was a very unusual comment but I did really appreciate.

I love Chanel (Coco Chanel), I love her thoughts and creativity. And all the creative people that have changed our state of mind and contributed to a more open-minded world.
11. Have you ever thought about collaboration with other fashion illustrators?
Not yet, but I am starting to collaborate with fashion bloggers.

Definitely Coco Chanel.
13. Does fashion bloggers ask you to draw them in their favorite looks and do you agree to do it?
Not to draw them but more to draw something related to one of their articles. I don’t do this often because I am very busy working for my clients and my personal projects.

Wow these illustrations are gorgeous! I like how some of them are strictly graphite in some parts and then the clothes are color. How awesome!
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Wow!!!! What an excellent job!!